Summer 2025 Council Meeting
Council Meeting
April 2, 2025
Venue: WANG 3043 - 516 Northwestern Ave, West Lafayette, IN 47906 [Purdue University]
Garage parking: Northwestern Avenue Garage, 504 Northwestern Ave, West Lafayette, IN 47906
All times are in EST
9:00 am - Council Meeting begins
12:00 noon - 1:30 pm - Lunch at Purdue Union
4:30 pm - Adjourn
1. Welcome and Introduction: Robert Prakash, IACEE President
1.1. Introduction of Council members and guests
1.2. Apologies for absence
1.3. Quorum
1.4. Discussion and approval of agenda
2. President’s Report: Robert Prakash, Stanford University
3. Secretary-General and Headquarters Report: Soma Chakrabarti, TechArtLabs (USA) with Camille Howard, Managing Director
3.1. Membership
3.2. Finances
3.3. Taxes and Audit Report
3.4. Other Observations and Recommendations
5. Vice President Reports
- Professional Development and Communications - Anita Chawla, Engageli (USA)
- Partnerships (Europe) - Chris Smith, Glasgow Caledonian University (Scotland)
- Partnerships (North America) - Steve Ruffin, Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
- Programs and Research Initiatives - Tamer Atabarut, Bogazici University (Turkiye)
- Operational Excellence - Sabrina Casucci, University at Buffalo (USA)
6. 2026 World Conference Presentation
7. Strategic Planning for 2025-2026
8. Decisions, Wrap-Up, and Next Steps
Evening events
There is the Bowling Alley in the Union for evening events, which is a fun event.
Dining options at Purdue Memorial Union