IACEE Pulse: August 2024

Letter from the President

As I step into the role of President of IACEE, I want to express my deep gratitude to the outgoing council and leadership, especially to Soma Chakrabarti and Nelson Baker, for their unwavering dedication in guiding our organization to where it stands today. On May 24th, 2024, at the World Conference in the picturesque Comillas, Spain, the new IACEE Council for 2024-2026 commenced its tenure. This Council is a truly diverse and dynamic group, with representatives from 13 countries, encompassing a wide range of educational and professional organizations.

I am both honored and excited to lead our community during this period of remarkable opportunity and transformation. As the world continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace, the importance of continuous learning and professional development in engineering education and sustainability has never been more critical.

This Council’s aim is to build on our rich history, strengthen our global network, and embrace new challenges with creativity and resilience. Together, we will work to ensure that IACEE remains at the forefront of continuing engineering education, providing the resources, connections, and support that our members need to be successful.

To achieve this mission, we have identified four key areas of focus, each guided by dedicated Vice Presidents:

  • Professional Growth and Communications: Led by Anita Chawla, our goal is to re-establish IACEE as a knowledge hub through regular webinars, workshops, and strategic communication initiatives.
  • Partnerships: Under the leadership of Chris Smith (Europe) and Steve Ruffin (North America), we aim to rebuild and develop strategic partnerships with peer professional associations.
  • Operational Excellence: Sabrina Casucci will lead the effort to revise and update IACEE's bylaws, aligning them with best practices from similar organizations to guide our future operations.
  • Program and Research Initiatives: Tamer Atabarut will continue and expand upon initiatives like SERINA, ensuring we remain at the cutting edge of the intersection of sustainability and engineering education.

In addition to the roles above, Soma Chakrabarti has been elected to the role of Secretary General and Anita Chawla to the role of First Vice president. 

I am eager to collaborate with each of you as we embark on this journey, and I am confident that, together, we will achieve great things. Thank you for your continued membership in IACEE.

Robert Prakash



IFEES & IACEE: September 18 Workshop

Register in advance: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsde2spjwqHd18kjqrOlDyj4J5dxxfwxGm

We are witnessing a rapid paradigm shift toward AI-enhanced teaching. AI can be leveraged to support teachers as they design instructional needs for learners. Implementing strategies like differentiated learning can be streamlined using AI to engage learners and meet them where they are in their learning spectrum.

The International Federation of Engineering Education Association (IFEES), in collaboration with its member organization, the International Association for Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE), presents an experiential learner experience workshop on September 18 from 9 a.m. ET to 10 a.m. ET, where practical examples of AI tool usage will be demonstrated. Learn the tools of the trade, which will include syllabi, quiz generators, tutoring, and student success coaching that will help scale learning and allow educators to focus on higher-order thinking. There will also be a panel discussion on AI tool evolution and the latest news trends shaping AI's educational future.

The workshop will be held on Engageli, a platform that facilitates learning. It allows participants to sit at tables, network with peers in the industry, and work on group exercises with their tablemates. This is a great opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals, share insights, and build a network to support your future endeavors. 

Our workshop leaders are Roger Kohler and Ayat Sweid, two prominent educational evangelists leading AI initiatives at Arizona State University. With their extensive knowledge and experience, they are not just well-equipped, but also passionate about guiding you through the world of AI in education. Sign up today to reserve a seat at a table and learn from these industry leaders.

AnchorSEFI 2024 Conference - Educating Responsible Engineers

European Society for Engineering Education [SEFI] is Europe’s premier academic meeting for sharing and discussing research and teaching practices in Engineering Education. It is a unique opportunity to exchange research and educational innovations, and to meet colleagues from across Europe and the globe. IACEE and SEFI will be collaboratively providing programs and workshops to the global continuing engineering education community. Find out more: https://sefi2024.eu/

Save the Date - Oct 24 Workshop

Mark your calendars for a SEFI workshop on October 24th at 9 am EST where SEFI will summarize the events and learnings from the SEFI conference for members of SEFI/IACEE, followed by a design thinking/solution activity on a certain challenge to spark other forms of collaboration. Stay tuned for further details.