International Association for Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE) is an international, non-profit and non-governmental organization. The aim of IACEE is to support and enhance lifelong engineering education and training worldwide, with special emphasis to address the needs of the developing countries. 

IACEE is centered on three pillars of:

  1. Research: Focus on CEE related research (academic and industry partners) in sustainability, educational programs/quality, workforce development (applied and theoretical). Research dissemination occurs through presentations, papers, journals, etc.
  2. Advocacy: Actions related to key interest areas: sustainability, workforce development, etc. putting the research into practice, understanding of current industry trends etc. Advocacy dissemination through white papers/policy papers, SERINA tool, etc.
  3. Service:  Service to the profession  through program certification; products and credentials, consulting; professional development services; knowledge hub etc

The IACEE is designed to expand the effectiveness and global perspectives of continuing engineering education through its members and association with individuals and organizations from around the world. It sponsors professional development activities, facilitates networking opportunities, promotes collaborative projects, and is a global advocate for continuing engineering education through a series of programs and services that foster active member engagement.

IACEE is an international professional development organization and gateway for the Continuing Engineering Education Community providing access to worldwide leaders, pioneering ideas, and best practices. It attracts a diverse membership of individuals and organizations that are drawn from many regions of the globe. IACEE is the advocate for the importance of engineering professional development in a global context and is recognized globally for: 

  • Serving a broad spectrum of engineering professional development providers through its programs, services and global networks
  • Outstanding tools to support the assessment of quality in engineering professional development organizations and programs
  • Promoting engineering professional development for quality solutions to the world’s grand challenges